XLR8 Summer Outing 2015
Held at JPark Island Waterpark, XLR8 Ventures Inc.’s annual summer outing was full of fun, surprises and prizes. Series of games were organized where each group must complete every challenge within the given amount of time. Everybody participated the race even our big bosses.
Even before the game started, everybody was already pumped up when Kakai lead the Zumba to put everybody’s game face on.
The game started. XLR8 employees took over the resort, literally. Running from here to there. Looking for the marshall of the next challenge.
At the end of the day, only one team has been declared as winner. Cash prizes were given to the winners and a shoulder-tap for the non-winners. 😀
After the game, most of us headed to the slides patiently waiting in line for our turn to try the resort’s slide and become 6 year old again. Some opted to take a dip in the river-like swimming pool while others were just chilling at the poolside.
Everybody was exhausted but definitely had fun and excited as well on whats cookin’ for the next summer outing.

Check out Schmid’s video coverage of our summer outing.